Denes Zhelevo e mrtvo. Samo pticite kako zhiv ornament na prirodata ostanaa da go ubaveat nasheto ubavo selo Zhelevo

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The Greek government attempted to ethnically cleanse the Macedonian population and colonize Aegean Macedonia with Greeks. A series of population exchanges occurred after 1913 which saw tens of thousands of Macedonians forcibly expelled while over half a million Greeks were shipped in from Turkey and Bulgaria.

A scenic view from the village of Zhelevo in Aegea Macedonia Lerinsko, the name was changed to ANTARTIKON in 1926 by the Greek authorities to hasten their policies of ethnic cleansing and assimilation. Zhelevo Village, district of Kostur, Macedonia, was one of the comparitvely larger villages in the district of Kostur. It was the second largest after Smurdesh Village in Koreshtata. Zhelevo is nestled in and surrounded by mountains and it lies at the foot of Mt. Bigla. It is pretty and a picturesque village. The river Bistritsa takes its source from the mountains near the village and empties into the Gulf of Solun It lies on the highway connecting the cities of Kostur and Lerin.

Village square [ Sred selo ] where every sunday the young girls would dress in theire
traditional Nashinski and dance to Greek music,Macedonian music was not allowed.

Gorna Crkva St. Nikola                                                                                      Dolna Crkva St. Atanas

Ruins of Zhelevo

The ominous prophecy of Harilaos Trikoupis, Greek Prime Minister from 1882 to 1895, foretold what the neighboring Greek state had in mind for Macedonia and its people:
"When the great war comes, Macedonia will become Greek or Bulgarian, according to who wins. If it is taken by the Bulgarians, they will turn the population into Slavs. If we take it, we will make all of them into Greeks".
 Balkan Wars Irredentist Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria and Montenegro drive a crumbling Ottoman Empire out of the Balkans and pursue territorial expansion into Macedonia. Greek army enters Aegean Macedonia ostensibly to "liberate" Macedonia from the Ottoman.
From "liberation to tyranny", Greek army commences savage and bloody "ethnic cleansing" of the towns of Kukush, Doiran, Demir-Hisar and Serres in the Aegean Macedonia.160 Macedonian villages burned, and atrocities committed. Mass exodus of refugees.
 when Greece, for the first time ever, comes into possession of Macedonian territory by force of arms. Almost a decade had passed since the 1903 Ilinden (St. Ilija Day) Uprising lead by the IMRO (Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization) in a failed effort to free Macedonia from the Ottoman yoke.
 Greek, Serbian, Bulgarian alliance breaks down over competing claims for Macedonia. Bulgaria miscalculates and attacks Serbia and Greek armies. Ottoman forces rejoin war against Bulgaria. Bulgaria defeated, loses territorial gains in Macedonia.
Greece refers to conquered Macedonian lands as the "new territories" under "military administration". Not yet officially incorporated into the Kingdom of Greece. Military occupation augmented by influx of administrators, educators; police brought from Greece.
Professor R.A. Reiss reports to the Greek government: "Those whom you would call Bulgarian speakers I would simply call Macedonians...Macedonian is not the language they speak in Sofia...I repeat the mass of inhabitants there (Macedonia) remain simply Macedonians."

The Gerkomani always blame the Macedonians for crimes committed in the civil war. they refuse the fact to acknowledge that, this was a Greek civil war, not Macedonian. The blame should be put on the Greek Partisans, not the Macedonians.The word Partisan means "Antartes"

These pictures present some of the Revolutionaries
and Heroes who founded the
Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization
VMRO 1893
These great  Macedonian  heroes gave their young lives to free the Macedonian Nation from 550 years of turkish occupation.

"For a nation to preserve its own national language and to protect it as something sacred means that it remains loyal to the spirit of its ancestors and respectful for what they had created. "
Krste Misirkov, On the Macedonian Affairs, 1903

                        Wedding 1946 Petra and Mike Yoanou

Petra Temovska, Risto Temovski and Kole                                     Mike and Petra Yoanou                       House of Petra Kotovska

Mike,Petra,Tsila,Petre,Kole,Fana and Baba                                              Lena Yoanou and Vasa Kotovska

Petra Kotovska,Baba,Vasa,Mother                  Lena and Petra Kotovska 1962              

The Macedonian-Greek conflict is a very complex issue. Lots of books have been written about Macedonia, but many of them simply serve to justify the aspirations, propaganda, and the partition of Macedonia in 1913, by the neighboring countries such as Greece. These sources are, therefore, biased. The Greek pages about Macedonia, rely strictly on their very own Greek propaganda sources, which naturally makes them biased. In order to find the real truth about Macedonia, one has to rely on the independent and neutral sources when looking into history.

Fana and Lazo Lazaro 1942                                    1931-middle Fana Papaioanou & sisters

         1950  Deca begalchinia in Checkoslovakia, second from right  

Wedding 1942 Lazo Lazaro and Fana Papaioanou                                                   Fana and Lazo from left at Zhelevo festivities

Kala Papaioanou lost left arm            Kala and Giorgitsa 1967 in Skopje                                      Gligor Papaioanou son of Giorgi with
1941-42 in the Italian war                                                                                                                               the first Ford in Zhelevo 19??

Zhelevian dance troup in solun 19??                                                         FIile and Mara Todorovski 1938

How can we forget
The Macedonian names that shaped our world

 Makedonskite iminia od mojata porobena rodina - Zhelevo  koj ne se odbelezhani za grkot da gi pogrchuva

Starozhelevo, Bratindol, Broda, Chukite, Vodenchiniata, Kilevska maala,Vardar maala, Ostenec, Selca, Kafeto na Temovci, Golema Livada, Kasharica, Djolintrap, Belioch, Sperkojca, Galik, Volnishtata, Zdraec, Losh trap, Asana padina, Zhelevskata reka, Rendesh, Crvenicata, Lojata, Shalojca, Kundelica, Beli orebje, Mankoj livadje, Rasarnica, Belich, Shelishte, Malata kilevska maala, Pandarcheto, Padinata, Ramna plocha, Sveticheto, Gorna crkva, Dolna crkva, Gorna maala, Dolna maala, Gjupska maala, Pitachot, Osten, Pod osoo, Temni lak, Kupo, Chezmeto, Bachorniche, Kuleto, Ostenec, Padinata, Kosachki orev, Vo slivata, Georgova glava, Oshchimskoto, Ramna plocha, Sredni reki,  I planinite: Maznior,  Kokoshka, Bigla, Pelior, I Preol,Tzembra
Golina and many more.

Baba mi pleti shareni chorapi!


1. Afou den eica pia na perimeno bohqeia apo thn Ellada, eprepe na dokimasw n apospasw kanena boulgarojwno oplarchgo kai na ton peisw kai na ton metastreyw kai na ton kanw ELLHNA oplarchgo. Ki etsi apojasisa na sunanthsw ton Kwta apo th Roulia.

2. Etsi oi dikoi maV emeinan eleuqeroi kai sergianizan skotontaV olh mera sto corio.

3. Egw phra touV ennia pou htan apo to Boulgaromplatsi, janatiko boulgariko cwrio kai touV apekejalisa ameswV. O FilwtaV ephre touV allouV ennia apo to cwrio Bissanh kai touV ajhse eleuqerouV.

4.To bradu touV ephra olouV se mia rematia kai touV eskotwsa, touV etoujekisa, ektoV apo duo pou m ebebaiwsan oti htan EllhneV kai gnwstoi tou Despoth.

5. Ekeinh th stigmh eice plhsiasei apo pisw maV o papa-DrakoV kai cwriV na ton antilhjqoun tou errixe mia toujekia scedon ex epafhV kai to paidi epese mes sto lakko pou eskabe. Kai argotera mou exhghse oti, epeidh autoV enai papaV, de qelei na fainetai kai me parakalese na to uposthrixw oti egw to ekana.

6. To 1905 sto ZelenitV ginotan enaV gamoV boulgarikoV. Auto to emaqe to swma tou Kaoudh, mphke sto gamo ki epeidh esbusan ta jwta errixe sta skoteina omobrontia kai skotwse dekapente h dekaxi BoulgarouV.

Ep onomati tou Pantodunamou Qeou kai thV PatridoV


If anyone is interested to send  pictures of Zhelevo to include on this site i would greatly appreciate it, the best way to get in touch is via email to